We're [Dania] Lauren + [Andrew] Douglas
We're a husband and wife team passionate about capturing the raw beauty of life and love through photography and film based in Townsville, North Queensland. The name 'Lauren + Douglas' was born about 15 years ago when we put our middle names together and thought it would make a cool name for a business one day. We each have over 17 years experience working in the field of visual storytelling: scripting, producing, filming and editing documentary short films. We have 4 beautiful littles, and are currently in the throes of family life, so we don't often get a chance to actually work together but we dream of one day in the future when we can join our creative forces! We are Autism parents and are learning every day how to embrace this crazy parenting journey we're on!
about Dania
(that’s like ‘tanya’ but with a d)
I'm the main face behind the lens at Lauren + Douglas. I'm Canadian born with Pines and Cedars and icy cold rivers running deep in my veins. However, Australia has been my home now for over half my life. I also love Mexican food, Coffee and Anne of Green Gables. I fell in love with photography after I received my first DSLR at 17 yrs old, and since then, I have had the privilege of documenting hundreds of weddings, newborns, families, and have finally settled into my specialty as a birth videographer and photographer! Want to hear more about me and my journey as a birth photographer?
Meet Andrew
I’m the man behind the women behind the lens at Lauren + Douglas. I grew up in Townsville, and after 20 years of living in different parts of Australia—with a bit of travel in between—I’m enjoying settling into family life back in the tropics! I have formal training in Graphic Design but it was during a 15 year stint working with a documentary film-making team that I gained experience in the art of storytelling and perhaps more importantly met my wife! My main role is House Dad (aka Kid Wrangler) but lately I’ve been focussing my creative energy on establishing a training hub for photographers and videographers who want to master the craft of storytelling. I’m a conflicted creative—torn between the conveinience of technology and a yearning for a simpler life. I’m a wanna-be adventurer, but for now, sport–primarily ballin’—is my go-to ‘happy place’.
“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers—strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.”